Interpretation and Public Artwork

Aims for the public artwork
In addition to restoring the Triangle garden with its New Drovers Path, an important aspect is also to interpret and display phases of Colinton's rich history and any connections with local natural heritage. The development of this aspect has acknowledged that Robert Louis Stevenson is one of Colinton's famous figures and the brief was expanded to do justice to him. That has been separated into a project of its own.

All aims are designed to contribute to sustaining the viability of the shopping centre by improving its accessibility, interest and attractiveness.

Planning permission for the public artwork project was attained in July 2011. The fundraising took place in stages over the next few years allowing the different phases of the project to be installed at their different times.

Interpretation in ornamental railings
A timeline of aspects of Colinton's history was selected by the Colinton Local History Society. This timeline is illustrated and integrated into new ornamental railings along the Woodhall Road boundary of the Triangle garden. The designer was Jack Sloan, retired senior lecturer in art and design at the Central College Glasgow. The picture below shows the full length of the railings and figures; and a longer section of railings showing a portion of the timeline. The timeline railings and figures were installed in September 2021 after many different delays. The opening ceremony was a very brief event with a minimal group of people as there was still not confidence to have a full-sized event following the Covid pandemic.

Timeline railings viewed from the foot of Dreghorn Loan

Poetry on the belvedere
The Triangle was also a crossing point of many ancient routes where people over the centuries would have met and conversed. Ian Boyter has composed a poem, which is displayed on panels on the railings of the viewing platform, to celebrate the Triangle as a trysting place.

Stand here for a moment, let's linger right here,
This point where the centuries meet,
Let's consider this place over nine hundred years,
And imagine who walks down the street.

A preacher, a baron, a banker, a prince,
A teacher, a mother of three,
Some are still here, some departed long since,
From this dell between Pentlands and sea

A painter, a poet - a teller of tales,
Do you recognise that famous face?
A drover from Falkirk, a miller from Hailes,
Meet them all at this trysting place.

© Ian Boyter